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Concord Masterclass on Tour
Midwives have been practicing delayed cord clamping for decades. In recent years it is becoming more and more apparent that there may be a much larger potential benefit if cord clamping is delayed until after the lung has aerated. The recently published ERC-NLS 2021 guidelines now underline the importance of this. But how to incorporate delaying cord clamping with stabilization of newborns at birth?
Concord Neonatal® is now organizing Concord Masterclass. In the Concord Masterclass, we demonstrate in a real life hospital setting, how delaying clamping of the umbilical cord can go hand in hand with supporting and stabilizing newborns immediately after birth, in a safe and effective way for mother and baby. Physiology is explained, roles and responsibilities are discussed and practical exercises are shown, using the Concord Birth Trolley®.
Concord Masterclass is now going to tour. Several Masterclasses will be held in hospitals across Europe during the next months. For everyone who is interested to discover how to stabilize newborns with an intact cord, we offer the possibility to attend remotely.
Do you want to attend one of our Masterclasses or are you interested to have an onsite Masterclass at your hospital? Contact us via
We are looking forward to meeting you in person in the next months!
Image courtesy of University Hospital Dresden.