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Physiological-Based Cord Clamping: ABC project latest evidence and key findings

Prof. Arjan te Pas

About this talk

After years of dedicated effort by the participating Dutch hospitals, we are delighted to announce that the ABC3 study has been published. In this Concord Talk, Prof. Arjan te Pas will present the results from the ABC3 trial, share background information and discuss key lessons learned from over 10 years ABC project. This meeting offers a unique opportunity to discuss the findings and learnings, the implications and possible next steps in advancing Physiological-Based Cord Clamping.

Creating physical and emotional closeness during PBCC

Prof. Dr. Smets and Dr. De Coen

About this talk

When an infant is born preterm or in need of neonatal care, the parents are usually separated from their infants directly after birth. The enforced parent-infant separation can lead to parents feeling disconnected from their infant. The University Hospital of Ghent has been performing the Concord Birth Flow since December 2023. Since then, they have experienced that, even with (complex) technological support, they can support physical and emotional closeness between baby and mother directly after birth.

Implementing PBCC: The Viennese experience

Dr. Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof

About this talk

The Medical University in Vienna has been performing the Concord Birth Flow since the spring of 2023. In this Concord Talk, Dr. Klebermass will share with you the considerations for adopting the Concord Birth Flow at her hospital, the best practices and key learnings gained with her team during this implementation process, and their first-hand clinical experience using the Concord Birth Trolley.

iCOMP confirms: Waiting with cord clamping saves preterm infants’ lives

Prof. Stuart Hooper

About this talk

An impactful study has recenlty been published in The Lancet, confirming that waiting with clamping the umbilical cord for longer periods (>2 minutes until after the lungs are aerated) is likely to lead to a large reduction in death in preterm infants. This is concluded by the iCOMP collaboration after comparing individual patient data from 6094 preterm infants out of 47 randomized trials. In this Concord Talk, Prof. Stuart Hooper will present the results in more detail and there will be time for discussion and sharing thoughs with colleagues worldwide.

PBCC: Indications and contra-indications? The UK Essen experience Anja Stein

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, Dr. Stein is sharing the experience of her team in implementing the Concord Birth Flow. Specifically she will share their experience in performing PBCC in cases that some other hospitals have defined as contra-indications, for example placenta praevia and multiples (twins and tripplets). The experience of UK Essen triggers an interesting discussion regarding what the actual contra-indications of Physiological-Based Cord Clamping are. We invite you to actively contribute to exchange knowledge and experience.

Optimizing intact cord delivery workflow for neonates with severe congenital lung and airway malformations

Dr. Florian Kipfmüller

About this talk

UK Bonn has implemented the Concord Birth Flow & Trolley since March 2021, focussing its use on neonates with severe congenital lung and airway malformations. In this Concord Talk Dr. Florian Kipmüller will share the science and his experience in optimizing this more complex delivery workflow with an intact cord, including exit procedures, intubation etc.

Implementing physiological-based cord clamping at St. Antonius hospital for newborns ≥32 weeks GA

Dr. Mirjam Kleinhout and Dr. Jeske Kooijman

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, Dr. Kleinhout and Dr. Kooijman will share their experience on the implementation and the use of the three Concord Birth Trolley's at the St. Antonius Hospital in The Netherlands. The first hospital with a level 2 neonatal care unit worldwide to implement the Concord Birth Flow. Dr. Kleinhout and Dr. Kooijman will be sharing their considerations and motivations for adopting the Concord Birth Flow, the key learnings gained with their team during the implementation process,and today's clinical experience using the Concord Birth Trolley.

Zero separation - Implementing safe delivery room cuddles as part of standard care for preterm babies

dr. Aniko Deierl

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, Dr. Deierl will be sharing the experience of her hospital with implementing delivery room cuddles of preterm infants < 32 wks as standard of care, including the concept, feasibility, safety and parental feedback.

How to implement the Concord Birth Flow: Sharing the experience of >35 successful implementations

Björn Valentijn

About this talk

The implementation of Physiological-Based Cord Clamping / Intact Cord Stabilization involves changes in workflow for multidisciplinary teams. Additionally equipment and workplace decisions need to be made considering available room infrastructure. In this Talk, Bjorn Valentijn will share his experience of implementing the Concord Birth Flow in over 35 hospitals in 8 countries in Europe and provide guidance on things to consider before implementing the Concord Birth Flow.

The cord is key: Why and how to perform Physiological-Based Cord Clamping

Prof. Mario Rüdiger

About this talk

Learn about ideas innovating the Future of Neonatal Care. In this Concord Talk Prof. Mario Rüdiger will be speaking on “The cord is key: Why and how to perform Physiological-Based Cord Clamping” and Dr. Tim Antonius, who will be speaking about “How can technology help a baby to get the best start possible”.

First PBCC outcome data from Belgium, the Antwerp experience

Dr. Ilse van Horebeek

About this talk

After implementing Physiological-Based Cord Clamping one year ago, Sint-Augustinus hospital will be presenting their first outcome data. Dr. Ilse van Horebeek is presenting their experience with implementing the Concord Birth Flow, what is achieved during the past year and how this translates in their first outcome data.

Case Studies Physiological-Based Cord Clamping

Concord Community members

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, three Concord Community members will share their knowledge and experience and discuss remarkable case studies:

  • Dr. Silke Brodkorb, München Klink: Neonate with hydrops
  • Dr. Neirude Lissone, Maastricht UMC: Preterm neonate with a chylothorax
  • Dr. Katharina Schwendener-Scholl, Luzerner Kantonsspital: Term neonate with a large cyctic CPAM

Each of the speaker will be discussing the specific case, how the team prepared, discuss the workflow and lessons learned. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussions.

Nurturescience, and the case of Zero Separation

Dr. Nils Bergman

About this talk

Nurturescience is derived out of the latest insights in developmental neuroscience. In this Concord Talk, Dr. Bergman wil clarify and present the key aspects that constitute nurturescience, followed by the science behind Zero Separation and the adverse consequences of maternal-infant separation.

Expert meeting on intact cord resuscitation

Dr. Anup Katheria, Prof. Arjan te Pas, Dr. Ola Andersson

About this talk

In this meeting our three experts will discuss and answer many of the frequently asked questions on physiological-based cord clamping and intact cord resuscitation. There will be a full hour of discussion, allowing you to ask any question you have on this topic.

Practical aspects of implementing PBCC: The Josefinum Experience

Dr. Magdziarz, Dr. Horsinka and Dr. Praus

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, obstetrician Dr. Birgitt Magdziarz and neonatologists Dr. Sibylle Horsinka and Dr. Alexander Praus, will share their considerations and motivations for adopting the Concord Birth Flow, the key learnings gained in the implementation process, and their first-hand clinical experience using the Concord Birth Trolly.

Optimal cord clamping: How long should we wait?

Prof. Judith S Mercer

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, prof. Mercer will share her latest insights on optimal cord management at the time of birth, focusing on what the cord blood offers to the newborn and how the placenta helps the newborn adjust to life after birth when there is a long wait to clamp the cord.

The Concord Birth Flow is setting sail in Bremen

Dr. Hans Thorsten Körner

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, Dr. Körner will share with you his considerations and motivations for adopting the Concord Birth Flow, the key learnings he gained with his team in the implementation process, and of course his first-hand clinical experience using the Concord Birth Trolly.

Physiological-Based Cord Clamping in clinical practice

Dr. Cahit Birdir and Prof. Mario Rüdiger

About this talk

Why is it important to wait with clamping the umbilical cord until the baby is breathing? And can this be done in clinical practice? Prof. Mario Rüdiger and Dr. Cahit Birdir will explain the physiology of umbilical cord management and the benefits of Physiological-Based Cord Clamping from the perspective of neonatology and obstetrics. They will share their experience of implementing and performing Physiological-Based Cord Clamping as a team, at the Center for Fetal Neonatal Health in Dresden.

Practical aspects of implementing PBCC: The Graz experience

Dr. Nina Höller, Prof. Berndt Urlesberger & Team Graz

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, Dr. Nina Höller, Prof. Berndt Urlesberger and the neonatology team from the University Hospital Graz will be sharing why and how they have implemented Physiological-Based Cord Clamping with the Concord Birth Trolley, and how they are performing 1.5 years after implementation, including practical aspects, experiences and key learnings.

Expert Panel: PBCC with the Concord Birth Trolley

Prof. I. Reiss, Prof. B. Urlesberger, Prof. M. Rüdiger, F. Kipfmüller

About this talk

In this expert panel meeting, we translate the science of physiological-based cord clamping into clinical practice. Four leading neonatologists will share their hospitals' experiences introducing and implementing physiological-based cord clamping with the Concord Birth Trolley, in term and preterm infants. Recording in German language with English subtitles.

Intact cord resuscitation - are we ready to start implementing?

Dr. Ola Andersson

About this talk

More and more studies on the procedure of Intact Cord Resuscitation emerge. In this Talk, Dr. Ola Andersson will discuss whether we are sure enough of the positive effects to start implementing the procedure in term infants, or if, and what more could be needed.

Physiological-Based Cord Clamping: An obstetrician's view

Dr. Philip DeKoninck

About this talk

In this Talk, Dr. DeKoninck will evaluate Physiological-Based Cord Clamping from the viewpoint of obstetrics. He will be sharing the latest scientific evidence, addressing general concerns the obstetric teams may have, and give valuable tips and tricks when implementing stabilization with an intact cord.

Clinical aspects of stabilization at birth with intact umbilical cord

Drs. Ronny Knol, and parent Bram Dees

About this talk

During this Concord Talk, Ronny Knol will educate us on the practical aspects how to aerate the lungs and stabilize the baby before clamping the umbilical cord, in accordance with ERC NLS 2021, and he will share feedback from involved caregivers and parents. Special guest, Bram Dees, will share his experience as a parent of the birth of his daughter Lara, who was supported on the Concord Birth Trolley at Erasmus MC.

Physiological-based cord clamping: Shared care, where the baby decides, is key.

Prof. Dr. Arjan te Pas

About this talk

In this Concord Talk, Prof. Arjan te Pas will educate us what the key success factors are when incorporating cord clamping into stabilisation of preterm infants and share the experiences of his clinic in practicing physiological-based cord clamping for over 4 years.

Don’t cut the cord until the baby is ready: The science behind umbilical cord management at birth.

Prof. Stuart Hooper

About this talk

In this educational talk, Prof. Hooper will explain the physiology of transition at birth and the science behind the timing of umbilical cord clamping; built on scientific research and completed with everyday case studies of neonates in need of support.

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